Wednesday 11 September 2013

Marion Coastal Trail

Hallett Cove Trail: Photo by Giselle Bueti
If you live in Adelaide there is no doubt you’ve either attempted Mt Lofty or heard about its relentless trail. Mt Lofty is just one of many scenic trails in Adelaide that will test your fitness and make you feel like you’re about to die.
If you’re looking for something different and just as challenging (or just as painful), then give the Marion Coastal Walking trail a go. Its a 7.2km trail that stretches between Hallett Cove beach and Marion Rocks.

Its slightly easier then Mt Lofty because it’s not as steep, however it runs along cliffs faces and sporadically goes from up to down to flat. And the stairs are a bitch.

The landscape is absolutely worth the pain though. It kinda feels like you’re running along side the edge of the world, because if you look to your side there’s nothing but open sea that stretches off into the never ending distance. And if you’re lucky you might even see a whale, seal or a shark as you’re gasping for air.

So if you’re looking for a tough work out or even just a ‘nice’ stroll along the South Coast of Adelaide, then give the Marion Coastal Walking trail a go.

  • Bring a water bottle
  • Give yourself time- it might take a while depending on your fitness
  • If you’re afraid of heights it does get a bit scary in certain sections but then again that could just be me being a pussy.
  • Challenge yourself and run up the stairs- your calves will hurt for days.
  • Start from Hallett Cove Beach, just because it’s really pretty there.


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