Monday 12 May 2014

Concert Review: Arctic Monkeys

Marry Me. All of you.
Emerging onto the stage through a thick haze of purple and orange, with a smouldering gaze and an air of poise and seduction, the Arctic Monkeys made me want to take my clothes off before Alex even had a chance to open his mouth.
Kicking off the set with “Do I Wanna Know,” it was clear the band were going to take the audience for a ride they’d never forget.
Sex on legs.
The set was AM heavy, with nearly the entire album being played. But that came as no surprise, seeing as how popular the record has been for the band. A definite highlight was ‘Arabella,’ in which the crowd, and myself, went wild. With big drums, riffs, heart-warming lyricism and a colourful delivery, it was an unforgettable performance.
The spot lights came on for ‘No. 1 Party Anthem,’ creating a prom like scenario, making audience members grab each other and slow dance. (The chick next to me kept jumping on this guy forcing him to love her, but he was not having a bar of it, it was hilarious). The audience also went mad for ‘Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?’ and the acoustic roar of ‘Fireside.’
Old fans were not disappointed however, with a handful of classics making a memorable appearance. A chaotic flashback to ‘I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor’ sent my handbag flying, and resulted in countless broken toes from all the moshing. ‘Brainstorm,’ ‘Cornerstone,’ and ‘Don’t sit down ‘cause I moved your chair’ kept the energy levels high, and my ultimate favourite, ‘Fluorescent Adolescent,’ ensured everyone was dancing whether they wanted to or not.
Just when I was giving up hope that they’d play it, ‘505’ came bursting through the mist signalling the ending of the show and creating tears in my eyes. I am still unsure whether that was because the show was ending or because the lyrics in ‘505’ really hit home. It was probably both.
The set ended with a massive three-song encore of ‘One for the Road,’ ‘I Wanna Be Yours,’ and an extended ‘R U Mine?’
With that, the quickest hour and a half of my life had come around and it was time to fair well the beautiful boys from Sheffield. Whilst the setlist missed a couple of favourites (‘When the Sun Goes Down,). All five albums were represented and there were no fillers. Every song was bliss!
Ok, ok, I know you may think I am bias because Alex Turner is my future husband, but in all honesty it was one of the greatest performances I’ve ever seen live.

Jeffrey gives it:
100 out of 10

Saturday 3 May 2014

35 Things first year students should know

With my time at university drawing to end, I can't help but feel bitter sweet.

On the one hand....Fuck Yeah no more studying!
On the other...Holy Shit I have to be a grown up now.
One thing that is for sure though, is that during the time I spent studying I learnt a lot about life and how to survive being a Uni student.
So here is my advice:

1.       Get involved. Join clubs. Attend rallies. Support associations. Do it because you’re passionate about it not because you have to.

2.       Take time to hang out with family and friends. Things will change, through no one’s fault. Enjoy the present, don’t take advantage of those who love you. And believe me there ARE people that love you.

3.       Apply for internships. You have to start at the bottom to make it to the top. There is no such thing as short cuts. Spend your summer holidays doing internships and volunteering, the earlier you start the better.

4.       Volunteer. Not just as something to put on your resume, but because it is important to give back to the community. You’ll learn a lot about the world and about yourself.

5.       Be frugal. Kmart and Savers are your new best friends... just tell them its vintage. 
6.       If you’re not enjoying something, don’t do it. Don’t let outside forces pressure you. It’s your life and it’s never too late to change your mind.

7.       You’re the idiot who decided to start your essay two days before it’s due, don’t take it out on everyone else. Next time you go to use the excuse, “but I work better under pressure,” try to remember that time you accused your mum of being associated with Nazis because you thought she deleted your notes.

8.       PRESS SAVE EVERY 20 MINUTES! Having a mental breakdown at 4am is not fun. Save it in two locations.

9.       Take some classes just for fun. Even if it’s irrelevant to your degree. It will make you fall in love with learning again.

10.   Travel. Take advantage of your lack of responsibility and commitment. See the world as much as you can. Don’t feel guilty about it.

11.   Do an exchange.

12.   Go on pub-crawls. Even if you don’t study that degree. Even if you don’t go to that university. Everyone will totally believe you study pharmaceutical science.

13.   You will become obsessed with T.V series. It will be a dangerously seductive distraction from study, and your favourite character will die. Don’t worry, you’ll be ok. 

14.   Use those hours between lectures, the long bus rides and lunch breaks to read books you’ve always want to read.

15.   DO YOUR READINGS! And participate in class, even if it is just to agree with what someone’s already said.

16.   Music is vital.  Get to know local bands. Go to live gigs. Go to festivals. Go see your favourite artist. That concert ticket is not a waste of money!

18.   Get to know your tutors and lecturers. They provide a fountain of knowledge that will help you. Use office hours to your advantage.

19.   Alcohol will make you fat. So will McDonalds. A $2.95 cheeseburger at 3am tastes like sex.

20.   Fuck buddies are never a good idea.

21.   Start writing. Even if you can’t write. Write about everything. Every feeling you are feeling. Every thought. Every idea. Every concern. Write until your pen stops working. 

22.   Thank the bus driver and the lunch lady and the receptionist. Do everything you can to make people smile.

23.   When someone tells you a secret, keep it.

24.   Go out with friends on weeknights, even if you have a test or work the next day. Treat yo self.
25.   Accept that you will probably be in debt for the rest of your life. Make peace with this early.

26.   Credit Cards were created by the devil.  Beware.

27.   Mixing vodka, beer and goon is never a good idea.
28.    Always use a condom.

29.   Meet people. Introduce yourself to everyone.

30.   Make mistakes. Forgive yourself for those mistakes.

31.   If you’re not interested, say something. It’s rude to keep people waiting.

32.   Laying on the floor of your shower will help you breathe again.

33.   Don’t be discouraged when you fail at something. Like Jake from Adventure Time says, “sucking at something is the first step towards being good at something.”

34.   Listen. Everyone has a story and everyone has something they can teach you.

35.   Don’t give up. I promise things will get better. You’ll get through this, and you’re going to be brilliant.
