Monday 31 March 2014

Toastie Addiction 101

They say the first step in overcoming an addiction is to admit that I can no longer control my obsession. So here goes:  I can't start the day without a toastie, I can't go a minute without thinking of my next toastie, and I just can't bear the thought of a world without toasties. Basically, life without toasties just does not exist. I hereby admit, I have a serious addiction.

However, to be honest, while this is not the healthiest addiction, I can't bring myself to overcome this. Instead, I just want to continually indulge and explore the many flavour possibilities that the simple toastie presents.

Throughout my lifetime, I have enjoyed many good times over a toastie. Beginning with the classic ham and cheese toastie treat as a kid, which soon evolved into a routine breakfast, then later became my lunch/dinner when there was nothing else I can afford. It's been my drunken snack, my hungover cure and my biggest, never-ending craving.

"standard toastie snap" - my lunch
Through growing up with toasties, I have been able to discover the best flavour combinations. May I present to you my favourite types of toasties (including my secret tricks that make them even more incredible):

1. The Classics - Cheese /Ham and cheese /Tuna and cheese /Cheese and Tomato
2. Slightly healthy - Avacado, cheese, ham, tomato (no butter)
3. The Wog - Salami, basil, capsicum, cheese
(and I've saved the best 'til last)
4. Heart attack - Fries, tomato sauce, cheese

Yet another toastie snap.

Top Secret Tricks
#1: Butter the outside of the bread instead of the inside. Tends to add a golden, crispy edge.
#2: Bega Tasty Cheddar always achieves the best melted cheesy goodness results.
#3: Always cut bread in triangles. Whatever bread suits, but I don't know why but triangles just taste so much better.

The Classic Ham and Cheese 
So yeah, you could say I'm totally a toastie masterchef. However, there is so much more to come, I will continue to strive to find crazier combinations to fulfil my intense toastie addiction .

Stay tuned.

Toastie addict

(a.k.a Raquel Gazzola)


Friday 28 March 2014

Style Crush: Haim


Name: Este, Danielle and Alana from HAIM
Claim to Fame: American Rock Band hailing from Los Angeles, California.
One word to describe Style: Badass
 I saw Haim at Laneway Festival and fell madly in love with them. Not only are they amazingly, awe-inspiringly, fabulously talented (my favourite moment was when all three of them had this mini drum off and just smashed the fuck out of those drums), they have this effortlessly gorgeous rock n roll style that just oozes coolness.
Rocking vintage denim cut-offs, killer kicks and leather jackets, they are the epitome of festival fashion. Think casual ensembles with vintage-inspired sunglasses and boots.
Each sister has their own signature edgy style. Este, the oldest at 27, is fond of cute crop tops, red lipstick and dresses. Danielle, 23, has the more genderless style, often wearing masculine oversized Tees, jeans and boots. Whilst baby Haim, Alana, 21, wears her signature cropped shorts (showing off her wonderful long legs), ankle boots, sleeveless T-shirts and band vests.
However my favourite thing about the Haim sisters is their hair. Long, lushes locks that fall over their shoulders in pleats, parted at the centre and layered just enough for the perfect head banging action (think the Bohemian Rhapsody scene in Wayne’s World).  It’s the kind of long hair that every girl dreams of having at some stage in their life.
They are the perfect inspiration for summer festival looks. Also they’re hilarious, which has nothing to do with their style, but I feel should be mentioned just because it makes them even cooler.
I’m so enviously in love.

Style Crush: American Horror Story Coven


Name: Every character on American Horror Story Coven.
One word to describe style:  Chic.  
I get frightened easily; I can’t even sit through Paranormal Activity trailers without covering my eyes. So when American Horror Story first touched down on TV screens, I refused to watch it. Oh the Nightmares that would be had. But then the preview for the third instalment, AHS: Coven, aired with groups of witches rhythmically marching in shooties (a lace-up boot/shoe hybrid), black pencil skirts and chic wide brim hats, and suddenly my attention was caught.
Despite the gruesome violence and unsettling story lines, I fell in love with the bloodthirsty sorceresses and voodoo priestesses, and had the urge to wear nothing but black, oversized sunglasses and hats. The vibrant colours of Chanel , Ralph Lauren, Saint Laurent and Vivienne Westwood (to name a few), mixed with blood and vengeance made for a pulsating visual experience that no fashion hungry enthusiast could turn away from, no matter how terrifying.  
Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts)- Hollywood wild child mixed with Satan’s spawn. Shimmering heels, bandage dresses, luxe fur vests and figure flaunting skirts. Madison always dresses to impress. Everything she wears is devilishly seductive.  
Myrtle Snow (Frances Conroy)- OH MYRTLE HOW I LOVE THE. The flamboyant, red headed, fashionista, who has an outrageously awesome style!  With sparkly cat-eye glasses, luxurious frocks, formal gloves and flattering accessories, Myrtle is always bursting with colour. She lights up the screen with her quirky outfits and compliments the contrasting blacks worn by the other characters, I LOVE IT.
Misty Day (Lily Rabe)- Long dresses, knee-high boots and flowery shawls.  She is a bohemian goddess!
Honourable mentions:
Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange), dressed in all-black and a striking lip, she radiates wickedness and power. Nan (Jamie Brewer), almost always wears Peter Pan collars, Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett) in her gypsy head pieces and colourful maxi dresses, and pretty much anything Zoe Benson (Taissa Farmiga) wears!

Style Crush: Pixie Geldolf


Name: Pixie Geldolf

Claim to Fame: Daughter of Rockstar Bob Geldof, International Model and co-creator of funkyoffish.
One word to describe style: Experimental.
Forever altering her clothing choices and hair styles, (be it bright pink, super short platinum blonde, or devilishly dark brown) Pixie has a daring personal style and is not afraid to try something new.  Consistently dressing up in jackets, layered necklaces, shredded jeans, edgy dress’s and crop tops, her style is somewhat punk rock princess meets 80’s glam. Think Madonna, but more funky. At night or at special events, you can find her wearing suitably quirky outfits that compliment her outlandish look.

I love her ‘I don’t give a fuck, I’ll wear what I want’ attitude. Going from punk rock with dark eyeliner and ripped jeans, to clean cut with pastels and pretty skirts, she can master any look whilst giving it her own little twist, and always looks banging.

Places in Adelaide: A Mother's Milk

A Mother’s Milk, Adelaide

This quaint little cafe` located in Unley is the perfect spot to have a cute brunch date with friends.

The food is AH-MA-ZING!!! So, So delicious. I had the chicken sandwhich. Filled with rocket, a crisp strip of chicken, smeared with avocado and sandwiched between two slices of doughy, perfectly toasted, bread. I devoured every bit of it in just under 2minutes (it was really yummy ok).

I aslo had the apple and pineapple juice which was a tangy slice of heaven.  Definitely a worth while refreshment that will wake up your taste buds (and help nurse a hungover).

The venue itself is cute and quirky, with a with a rustic urban feel. We sat next to the book shelf and were highly entertained by its contents. I’m more then certain the owner just went to an op shop and bought every book with the funniest title. Great attention to detail, I enjoyed it.

Finally the service was great! Everyone was so friendly and helpful.

A Mothers Milk is definitely worth a visit, you can find it at 105 Unley Road and they’re open for breakfast and lunch.

You can thank me later.


Sacred Blue Cenote, Mexico

Bucket List #4

Sacred Blue Cenote, Chichen Itza, Mexico.

The Sacred Blue Cenote (or Ik Kil Cenote) is a natural sinkhole located 2 miles away from the Mayan Ruins in Chichen Iza. The Mexican Yucatan Peninsula is known for its Cenotes and the Mayans believed that Cenotes were portals to the underworld. The gorgeous blue water that inhabits the sinkhole looks even more enchanting beneath the natural sunlight filtering through the roof above.

I’ve only seen pictures, but holy crap doesn’t it just make you want to go there, jump in the perfect blue water and lay there staring up at the beauty that surrounds it. It doesn’t even look real.

Add it to the list.


Places in Adelaide: The Whispering Wall

The Whispering Wall, Adelaide.

The Whispering wall is the retaining wall of the Barossa Reservoir. There are bushes, a wall and a lot of water.

Why the hell would I want to visit a dam Jeffrey?

Well before you write it off, the Whispering wall is actually a big attraction in Adelaide that a lot of people don’t know about. Why is it so appealing?

Let’s say you got really drunk one weekend and accidently hooked up with your best friends ex, ex-boyfriend, and you want to tell her but you’re too nervous. What if she punches you? Well dear friend, take her to the whispering wall, get her to stand on one side of the dam and you stand on the other side, a whole 100meters away. Because of the dam’s unique acoustic effects, words whispered at one end can be clearly heard at the other. Problem solved. You can tell her what you did, and she won’t be able to push you into the dam because you’re 100meters away!

And really she can’t be angry; you drove her all the way out here, took her on a lovely picnic in the hills, enjoyed the beautiful Australian landscape, saw a kangaroo or two and spoke to each other through a wall. You’re forgiven.

Ok so maybe you could have just called her, but this way is much more fun. The Whispering wall is a great place to visit because it makes you feel like a kid again. Running up and down the dam, whispering things into the wall, having a full on conversation with whoevers at the other end, giggling, “haha helloooo, I can hear you, I’m talking through a brick wall.”

It’s a good laugh, and good place to take kids or adults who still act like kids.

So next time you’re in the Barossa Valley region, head to Williamstown where on the outskirts you’ll find the Whispering Wall.


The Tunnel of Love, Ukraine.

Bucket List #3

The Tunnel of Love, Klevan, Ukraine.

This fairy tale tunnel is located in Klevan, Ukraine. It is a three kilometre railway section that leads to the fibreboard factory.

Known by the locals as the Tunnel of Love, the trees that surround the railway curve into a natural arch, creating a radiating green corridor in the middle of the forest.

It is said that couples who visit the location and make a wish, will have their wish come true.

Not sure about that last part (that could just be because I’m cynical and single), but the Tunnel of Love looks like something out of a Disney movie. It looks like the kind of place that pictures don’t do enough justice. And the pictures look amazing.

Add it to the list.


Blue Lagoon, Iceland

Bucket List #2

Blue Lagoon, Iceland

The Blue Lagoon is a Geothermal Spa in Iceland. The mineral rich milky, aqua blue water simmers at 37-40 degrees, and is said to be very therapeutic all year round. Even in freezing-yo-tits-off-its-so-cold conditions. There is also a sauna,
steam bath carved out of a lava cave and a massaging waterfall at the location.

It’s situated in a lava filed in Grindavilk on the Reykjanes Peninsula on Icelands south-west coast. You have to pay to enter the Lagoon, from research it’s roughly about 35 Euros.

Iceland looks like a majestic place to visit, and god knows I could do with a visit to the Blue Lagoon.

Add it to the list.


Salar de Uyuni, Southwest Bolivia.

Bucket List #1

Salar de Uyuni, Southwest Bolivia.

Have you ever had those weird dreams where you’re stuck in limbo and you can’t work out where the sky ends and the ground begins?

Well if you haven’t, this is what it feels/looks like.

And believe it or not, this place actually exists.

This remarkable landscape (known as the Salar de Uyuni) is in fact the world’s largest Salt Flat and is located in Southwest Bolivia.

16,000 years ago a lake covered the area, when it dried up it left behind a 4,000-square-mile basin of salt and created this masterpiece. Why would people travel to the other side of the world to see a massive patch of salt? Well during the wet season the water from the rain creates the world’s largest mirror, reflecting the sky above creating the illusion of walking on thin air.

Imagine. You can see the sky and clouds beneath your feet.

Mind Fucked.

Add it to the list.
