Friday 28 March 2014

Places in Adelaide: The Whispering Wall

The Whispering Wall, Adelaide.

The Whispering wall is the retaining wall of the Barossa Reservoir. There are bushes, a wall and a lot of water.

Why the hell would I want to visit a dam Jeffrey?

Well before you write it off, the Whispering wall is actually a big attraction in Adelaide that a lot of people don’t know about. Why is it so appealing?

Let’s say you got really drunk one weekend and accidently hooked up with your best friends ex, ex-boyfriend, and you want to tell her but you’re too nervous. What if she punches you? Well dear friend, take her to the whispering wall, get her to stand on one side of the dam and you stand on the other side, a whole 100meters away. Because of the dam’s unique acoustic effects, words whispered at one end can be clearly heard at the other. Problem solved. You can tell her what you did, and she won’t be able to push you into the dam because you’re 100meters away!

And really she can’t be angry; you drove her all the way out here, took her on a lovely picnic in the hills, enjoyed the beautiful Australian landscape, saw a kangaroo or two and spoke to each other through a wall. You’re forgiven.

Ok so maybe you could have just called her, but this way is much more fun. The Whispering wall is a great place to visit because it makes you feel like a kid again. Running up and down the dam, whispering things into the wall, having a full on conversation with whoevers at the other end, giggling, “haha helloooo, I can hear you, I’m talking through a brick wall.”

It’s a good laugh, and good place to take kids or adults who still act like kids.

So next time you’re in the Barossa Valley region, head to Williamstown where on the outskirts you’ll find the Whispering Wall.


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