Monday 31 March 2014

Toastie Addiction 101

They say the first step in overcoming an addiction is to admit that I can no longer control my obsession. So here goes:  I can't start the day without a toastie, I can't go a minute without thinking of my next toastie, and I just can't bear the thought of a world without toasties. Basically, life without toasties just does not exist. I hereby admit, I have a serious addiction.

However, to be honest, while this is not the healthiest addiction, I can't bring myself to overcome this. Instead, I just want to continually indulge and explore the many flavour possibilities that the simple toastie presents.

Throughout my lifetime, I have enjoyed many good times over a toastie. Beginning with the classic ham and cheese toastie treat as a kid, which soon evolved into a routine breakfast, then later became my lunch/dinner when there was nothing else I can afford. It's been my drunken snack, my hungover cure and my biggest, never-ending craving.

"standard toastie snap" - my lunch
Through growing up with toasties, I have been able to discover the best flavour combinations. May I present to you my favourite types of toasties (including my secret tricks that make them even more incredible):

1. The Classics - Cheese /Ham and cheese /Tuna and cheese /Cheese and Tomato
2. Slightly healthy - Avacado, cheese, ham, tomato (no butter)
3. The Wog - Salami, basil, capsicum, cheese
(and I've saved the best 'til last)
4. Heart attack - Fries, tomato sauce, cheese

Yet another toastie snap.

Top Secret Tricks
#1: Butter the outside of the bread instead of the inside. Tends to add a golden, crispy edge.
#2: Bega Tasty Cheddar always achieves the best melted cheesy goodness results.
#3: Always cut bread in triangles. Whatever bread suits, but I don't know why but triangles just taste so much better.

The Classic Ham and Cheese 
So yeah, you could say I'm totally a toastie masterchef. However, there is so much more to come, I will continue to strive to find crazier combinations to fulfil my intense toastie addiction .

Stay tuned.

Toastie addict

(a.k.a Raquel Gazzola)


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